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AI Tools for today's marketer

There's more to AI than ChatGPT.

AI tools have been impacting our industry for decades. But only in the past few years has the topic become prevalent in all aspects of design and construction—including marketing. At this point, if you haven't familiarized yourself with the power of generative AI, like ChatGPT, we'd like to invite you to come out from underneath your rock (or, more likely, your workload). The market is saturated with tips and tricks for becoming a pro prompt engineer to simplify and enhance tasks like content development. We're here to offer a different perspective, partnering with AI early adopter and influencer Stephanie Nelson to introduce alternate AI strategies your team can apply today to release the pressure valve and drive immediate ROI.

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Dragonfly AI is a series of training programs designed to educate AEC marketing and leadership on lesser-known—but certainly not less valuable—AI tools that tackle your firm's most prevalent marketing challenges. We'll cover strategies to validate and manage CRM content, conduct real-time competitor analysis, provide personalized presentation feedback, generate branded visuals, and craft compelling content using AI tools.


Untapped Potential: Three ways to use AI that aren't ChatGPT

By now we're all familiar with the power of AI to accelerate content generation. But that's not all it can do. We're marking the launch of Dragonfly AI by sharing our top three AI applications all marketers should be using now—that aren't ChatGPT. This 75-minute interactive webinar cuts through the noise to help you implement AI solutions that result in cleaner data, sharper strategy, and clearer communication. Join us and Dragonfly AI partner Stephanie Nelson to learn how you can leverage untapped AI tools to create valueand lighten your already heavy load. 

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May 14, 2024
2:00-3:15 PM EDT


Like all data, a CRM’s output is only as good as its input, and most firms struggle to maintain accurate and timely information. AI tools can provide confidence in data authenticity by integrating with your CRM system to constantly monitor your contacts and provide alerts when publicly shared information changes. 


Understanding how your competitors are perceived is critical to ensuring your marketing aligns with the needs of your target market. AI can support your marketing team's efforts to monitor and analyze your competition, identifying strategies to differentiate by building on strengths and appropriately addressing weaknesses.


Imagine if you had a tool that would allow for individualized practice sessions that gave presenters real-time feedback. Those AI tools are here, and they’re empowering marketing teams with data to provide constructive criticism on presentation skills—even for those Principals who "don’t need to practice." 

Meet our expert

A self-declared tech nerd, Stephanie Nelson has spent the last 22 years using technology, data, and research to open new markets and win work for top AEC companies, including McCarthy Building Companies, DPR, and W.E. O'Neil. Through these partnerships she developed the skills, industry knowledge, and technology partnerships that led to her passion and knowlege of AI technology. She's the founder and CEO of Capital Pipeline Inc., a 2020 Google Startup, and member of research and early test user groups for OpenAI. In 2024, she partnered with us to launch Dragongly AI to bring AI-driven tools to the AEC industry. As our platform grows, she will be responsible for adding new tools and technology, training new facilitators and consultants, and providing consulting engagement work. 

Stephanie Nelson
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